What's Your Thing?
It’s been said that first impressions last forever. Why not take advantage of our great selection of stylish eyewear? Traditional shapes and modest colors match every look and exude confidence. If you like to make a statement with your glasses we offer accents like silver and gold or brighter colors to make a splash.

You have a to-do list longer than your arm and your car is practically a second home. If this sounds familiar make the smart decision and go for a simple and sleek plastic frame that is light and durable to keep up with you at work, the supermarket or the soccer tournament.

You don’t let your 9-to-5 job confine you and your glasses shouldn’t either. If you’re climbing to new peaks, or taking out on the trails you need glasses that are just as rugged. Polarized and shatter resistant lenses make sure you get an unobstructed view of each adventure and that your glasses will hold up for years to come.

Custom lenses in a stylish comfortable frame make an afternoon with a book or project behind the computer become one of ease. These glasses are perfect for leaving at the office or keep them with you to guarantee that you have a little help when you need it.

Own your creativity and fashion forward thinking with glasses that showcase just who you are. Unusual colors, intricate patterns, and multi-colored designs will liven up any wardrobe. Or take a tip from the past and bring back timeless vintage styles with cat eye, round, and aviator shapes.

Stop by anytime and we will work with you one-on-one to design glasses created just for your unique style and what you do!